Monday, September 12, 2005

Non serious stuff continues.

Things you might not know about me. (and probably don't care to know, but hey, I'm in the mood) This is sorta my own version of those surveys you see everywhere.

My favorite role from my younger days was Lucy in "Dracula."

I still feel 22.

Things I miss about being young: riding horses, not worrying about kids, kissing guys, staying out late and still having lots of energy the next day, and not having to work at staying slim.

If it weren't for their politics, I think John Edwards and Mayor Nagin of New Orleans are hot.

I'm against the death penalty.

My favorite thing to do is sleep late, and I hardly ever get to do it.

I hate crowds.

I met Jesse Jackson when I was 11.

I've met Ken Starr, Rick Perry, James Baker, Muhammad Ali, Reggie Jackson, and Former Senator John Breaux.

People I would stand in line for hours to meet: 0

People I would like to have dinner with(not in order):
Brit Hulme, Condi Rice, President Bush, Barbara Bush (mom), Justice Scalia, Peggy Noonan, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, and Pope Benedict.

Bloggers I would like to meet:(not in order)
Jeff at Protein Wisdom, Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities, Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Ace at Ace of Spades, Greyhawk at Mudville Gazette, and Jeff Jarvis at Buzz Machine.

People I hate: 0

The most interesting people I know are my children.

My first car was an aqua blue Cougar XR7 with white leather interior and speakers in the door. It was and still is the coolest car I ever owned.

I use to spar boxing with my brothers for Golden Gloves boxing.

I have experienced miracles.

I have never tried a cigarette. (or anything illegal)

I have never seen porn.

I don't have a favorite song or movie. I just don't care enough.

If I could do whatever I wanted, I would travel with my kids every chance I got. I would have 3 dogs and 2 cats. (I have one dog and I get to travel only about twice a year) and I would wear nothing but T-shirts, shorts and no shoes.

I hate cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and shopping in general, but I have to do all four constantly.

I've read National Review since I was 21 yrs old.

I could never live anywhere but Texas and the South. (except on a tropical beach anywhere)

My biggest fear is my children not growing up to be caring and loving people.

Feel free to tell me what I don't know about you.