Thursday, November 10, 2005

Star Power!

I saw Sen. John McCain on The Jon Stewart show night before last. He is, without question, the wittiest politician to go on the show. He is able to keep up with Stewart joke for joke and that is a pretty amazing feat. I have only seen the really big comedians be able to do it as well.

Yeah, yeah, everyone here knows I love John McCain. I love him despite his sins. Despite all the compromising, the gang of 14, the big ego, and the MORTAL sin of finance reform that ticked off every libertarian on the planet.

I keep telling everyone he is the only one with the star power and charm to beat Hillary in 08'. I hope powers greater than me (like the RNC) see that as well.

I won't sit here and gush about him being a true war hero in every sense of the word and his years of public service because we all know that isn't important in a Presidential election....;-) What IS important is "perception" and the overall feeling Americans get from their candidate. That is the way it is.

Watching him on Jon Stewart convinced me even more. If he can charm Stewart (and he did) and Stewart's lefty audience then he can certainty charm America. And charm is one thing Hillary is severely lacking in.

I might mention one more thing and then I will try and put off my cheering for him until closer to the election. McCain can't raise his arms above his shoulders because they were broken so many times in the 6 yrs he was in a POW camp. (one in which he could have left early because of his dad, but wouldn't leave his men) So every time he is suppose to raise his arms in the politician wave, America will be reminded of his sacrifice and his service to our country.

Let's see Hillary beat that.