Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I had to laugh.

I was listening to Rush in the car a few minutes ago and he was discussing Sen. Tom Harkin's ongoing campaign to "balance" Rush on Armed Forces Radio.

Rush pointed out that they have NPR 24hrs a day and he is only on one hour, even though the troops request the full 3 hours. It seems a liberal radio show host, Ed Schultz, was given the green light to get on AFR and then denied and then a roar was made about it and now he is greenlighted again.

Rush says that a lot depends on what the soldiers request. I have no problem with having a liberal radio host on AFR. Let the market decide.

But that isn't what made me laugh. Rush played an audio of Sen. Harkin at Paul Wellstone's funeral. Harkin was going on and on about fair wages for (and I quote) "those who clean our bathrooms and mop our floors."

Uhhhh.... you mean wives?

I just think it is hilarious how the liberal elite don't even see how they sound. Like Rush pointed out, don't most Americans clean their own bathrooms and mop their own floors?

But those like Harkin and Kennedy want better wages for those who clean their bathrooms and mop their floors.

Here's an idea I want to pass on to Harkin and Kennedy. You know those people who clean for you? PAY THEM MORE!!!!!

I think it would be interesting to know how much Harkin and Kennedy do pay the people who clean, do the yards, and drive them ect... Do they pay them minimum wage? And if they hire services, do they make it clear that they will pay more to insure that the workers get more than minimum wage?

Put your money where your mouth is, I always say.