Thursday, July 21, 2005

Muslim Messages continued.

Michelle Malkin has all the news on today's bombing in London.

A weird little tidbit here. When I was looking through the Muslim message board last night that I describe in the post below there was a comment about ABC news reporting that there was intelligence reports coming in that there would be a terrorist attack in the next 48 hours and for Muslims to get out of Boston, NY, and the commercial coastline. She had a ABC newslink, but when I clicked on it the ABC News site said there was no such page. So I just thought the woman was just trying to stir things up. If she had said London, I might be freaked out right now.

I just went to the message board again after this attack in London. They seem to think this is contrived.

" isnt this a convenient excuse to step up stop and search on all muslim looking people.... maybe even banning rucksacks on the tube ..."

" You believe what the bbc and sky news tell you? Wake up people, smell the coffee You SHOULD know who it is."

"m15 *cough cough* al CIAda"

"just more scaremongering by the government me thinks"

Now, almost everyone on the board was grateful that no one was hurt and didn't show any support for the guy they caught.