Sunday, March 12, 2006

Republican Straw Poll

What the heck they're polling straw men for is beyond me. I thought straw men were bad things? I dunno, but I figured is was 'cause people like that have no heart.

Anyways, Drudge reports that John McCain wanted us to vote for President Bush on the straw poll deallie. I have decided myself, personally, to not vote for George Bush this next upcoming election, seeing as how I have done not liked him anymore. We need somebody new in the White House...a Republican for a change...

That's why I was mildly pleased when I had seen that Blogs for Bush copy and pasted the breakdown from The RCP Blog that said that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist won, in a totally clean election. Even with over half of the votes (52%) coming from Tennessee. No, no bias for Majority Leader Bill---Wait, the Republicans are in the majority? Really? When did that happen?

Shouldn't they, like, be doing something with all that power? Like, making laws and stuff?

Anyways, it's always interesting to hear about how Cereal-Americans are going to vote in the 2008 elections. Now, if some genius could figure out a way to poll us Human-Americans for the 2006 elections, I'd like to hear about that, too.*

*Note: if Blogger had categories, this would go under "silly," as I was having a little fun with an otherwise serious subject. Just blog-warming, you see.

On a related note: The Moderate Voice has a ton of links, including why this is bad for the Republicans. I totally glossed over the McCain angle of "vote for Bush" when I first published this story as nobody knows what to make out of it. It's probably because McCain knew he was losing ground with the people who would actually attend this conference, thus he wanted to make sure it looked like he didn't care. It's yet to be seen wether or not McCain has national influence.

Curiouser and Curiouser: Ankle Biting Pundits points out more freakiness in the poll than I originally thought.

According to my sources, the Hotline folks have colluded with representatives from Sen. Bill Frist's organization to alter the straw poll ballots to allow attendees at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference a second choice. Why? Because the “write in Bush” vote of confidence campaign had apparently gained so much momentum that it became clear a majority of voters would indeed write in the president’s name.

According to my sources, Frist’s team approached the Hotline people with the idea to rejigger the ballots because, as we have reported, Frist has a whole lot riding on this straw poll victory. Frist’s organization VolPAC spent over $100,000 bussing in, boarding, feeding, and entertaining over 930 “ringers.”

And, now the Hotline says Frist "was encouraged by the show of support, but added that he would use it to boost those Republicans up in '06, and particularly those vying to replace him in the Senate," and "that the delegates did want to support their President, but noted that many of them had "driven 6 to 8 hours" to participate and wanted to take part in choosing their party's next WH nominee."

On Mitt Romney's second-place finish, Romney very quietly, worked with some Volunteer state supporters to bring in some college students from Union University. The school, which, btw, is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, is in Jackson, TN, in between Memphis and Nashville. Also note in the story, the efforts of Romney's Southern [Baptist] backers to cast him as the best candidate in the field for evangelicals.

Wow, and I thought I was just gonna be silly all day! Turns out there's a ton more drama goin' on that I thought possible.

John blogs at and does really know what Straw man means