Monday, May 09, 2005

What would Arianna Do?

Well, the debut of the celebrity laden blog by Arianna Huffington has begun. Is it any surprise that she has ticked me off right off the bat? Her first post is titled "What Would Jesus Do.... With Tom Delay?" Here is an excerpt:

"Any sincere religious expression on DeLay’s part would have started with basic contrition and ended with taking his misbegotten donations and distributing them to the poor. Instead he offered a blanket general prayer about the need for operating with "a humble heart". Amen, and pass me them plane tickets to Russia!"

This is truly hilarious coming from a woman who I heard on the radio going on and on about the environment and SUV's and when asked about her traveling the world in private jets she replied, " I only go on jets that are already going there."...LOL!!! Well, that makes it fine to WASTE ALL THAT FUEL AND YUCK UP THE OZONE THEN!

She goes on and on about golf trips and luxury hotels paid by lobbyists for Delay. She asks over and over.....Would Jesus do these things? PLEASE! Hey! Arianna! Would Jesus have $300 spa days regularly? Would Jesus wear thousand dollar designer suits daily? Would Jesus spend more on makeup than the GNP of most third world countries? How many luxury golf and resort trips have you gone on? To quote the Good Book sugar, get the board out of your own eye before you get the speck out of your brother's.

This is a woman who thought it was GREAT to be a Republican until her mega rich husband lost his run for the Senate and then told her he was gay.

Ouch. I know that hurt. But do you really have to go to the dark side to remake yourself? Because it has been nothing but embarrassing.