Sunday, May 08, 2005

Confessions of the daughter of a "right wing" fanatic

The following is written by Rightwingsparkle's 16 yr. old daughter (who wouldn't let me look at it)

Growing up I recall putting on my shiny black buckle up shoes and pulling on my Catholic school plaid jumper and sitting in front of the TV before I go to eat my daily breakfast from my most beloved mother.

On the TV was always ABC news or NBC news ( more so ABC because it was least liberal..ha! ) and me being of such young age, I was forbidden to touch the remote or even ask to change the channel to something more suitable for my young mind, like cartoons. We didn't have cable due to the fact my mother didn't want to fill our minds with the "hogwash" of the world. So, quietly and with out complaint, every morning my brothers and I would watch the news, and then in the car on the way to school listen to news talk radio. Very rarely was I allowed to listen to my favorite radio Disney CD, or pop in the brand new britney spears CD which I loved dearly (What was I thinking??). Overall, that was a typical morning in my earlier life.

My mother's opinion on political veiws has and will forever, I fear, have an enormous effect on me. I believe I was the only kid in my 4th grade class that knew what abortion was and the disgusting and disturbing routines of it's evil purpose. Also, I specifically remember getting sick to my stomach when someone would mention that they liked Bill Clinton. Now, don't all you liberals on this thing freak out on me. By that Bill Clinton comment I meant that they liked him as a person, not as a President.

Now things are still the same pretty much, except now we have cable. (with the V-chip of course!) Fox news was introduced to my mom, which, to her, was like a breath of fresh air. And now I am the only 10th grader in my class who can tell you who is the Sec. of State or the Sec. of defense and update anyone on the Iraq war as need be.

As you can see, all of my life I have been exposed to the news and political affairs. I also have a great passion for writing and art related subjects, which I'm pretty sure I got from listening to the news and arguing all those years. I took a Senior creative writing class this past year in which I was the only sophomore. I loved the class and I also loved my English class this past year as well. Mainly because I love the beauty in the written word and writing just comes so easy to me. Now I will admit I suck at math and geometry this year kicked my butt. I had to work hard, but the humorous thing about it was the kids that were good in math would make jokes to me when I didn't understand something in math that was so "simple" to them. But in then the next period- English, I would be raising my hand and they were the ones sitting in the back looking like God just tried to explain the meaning of life to them. Being a Christian girl, I would never make fun, although...I tend to be quite sarcastic to curb that craving to be rude. So as my math wiz class mates sit in a complete state of perplexity, scratching their heads, and stating the occasional "WHAT?" after a question of grammar was asked, I would turn around and smile and say, " Now you know how I feel in math class..." And typically I smile again, and turn around and raise my hand to answer the next question. If you ask my mother, it seems every day I come home from school with another argument or another story to tell about something that happened with me proving someone wrong --or--(something which RARELY happens )- someone proving me wrong. With these qualities I strive to be either a lawyer or a political journalist. I know these jobs would make me the most happy when I'm older.

My job right now, however, is far from any of my dreams of being a future Elle Woods, but it helps in another goal for my later adult life. I work at a daycare, I take care of the kids and make sure they are fed and play nice and at times, I get to punish them. This is a perfect job for me because I love kids. When you are around 30 different types of kids everyday, one tends to learn the importance of every ounce of attention a parent gives their kids. Sure I have many rebels and mischievous little devils that come in almost everyday, but when you are with them everyday and you see them cry ( by this I mean really cry. Yes, I can tell the difference between a fake cry and a hurt cry ) you begin to see the beauty in every child. Even the ones that push down and bully everyone or when you tell them to do something they stare at you like you've just spoken in a complete foreign language. I even have a kid that is Hispanic, mind you he speaks English extremely well, but he acts like he doesn't understand a bit of English when he's in trouble and starts speaking only in Spanish.

This is good training for being a mom. I hope to have lots of kids because they really are the meaning of life. Once our society realizes this, our world will be a lot better off.

My mom may be a "right wing" fanatic to many of you, but to me she is just a great mom.