Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Here is an interesting article in National Geographic about how to teach the theories of evolution and intelligent design. It's called 'Does "Intelligent Design" Threaten the Definition of Science?'

I like this idea of teaching. It would seem to satisfy both sides if both sides were reasonable. Here is an excerpt:

"The approach steers clear of teaching intelligent-design theory in the schools (the Discovery Institute believes the theory is too new to be required). Instead, "teach the controversy" promotes teaching "all the evidence relating to evolutionary theory," West said.
Included in the evidence are what the Discovery Institute views as legitimate criticisms of evolutionary theory, such as the limits of natural selection and random mutation in explaining the explosion of new body plans during the Cambrian period (about 570 million years ago).
"If high school or college students are capable of understanding evidence for evolution, certainly they could understand scientific criticisms of key parts of the theory, particularly the limit to the creative power of selection and random mutation," West said."

Makes sense to me. Put it all out there and let the students decide. I think we call that...thinking.