Friday, April 22, 2005

No Pasarant! brings us this. A fact we should NEVER forget:

"BBC's retiring Stephen Sackur.
As he hangs up the microphone of
BBC foreign correspondent, Sackur brings with him a host of powerful memories, one of the very strongest coming from Iraq.

"A country especially dear to me, as my wife's homeland. It was there I saw the most distressing sight of my life. Men and women clawing at the earth, uncovering the first of the mass graves discovered after the fall of Saddam Hussenin.

Thousands of stinking corpses came out of the ground that day. I saw infants with bullet holes blown through their skulls. I was the only reporter there. I sensed in that Iraqi field that I was a necessary witness, in the right place at the right time." via Mudville

Our soldiers have died, but they sure as hell haven't died in vain. This was a MONSTER we took down. A monster who had bred 2 monster sons. God knows what we saved that region from, not to mention the world.