Monday, October 25, 2004

You can watch the full "Stolen Honor" online.
I will never understand why Kerry just couldn't apologize to the Vietnam veterans, not for opposing the war, but for believing those who have been discredited for lying about seeing and participating in the "war crimes" that Kerry spoke of in his hearing before congress. Why can't he apologize for the pain they have experienced because of his words?

This Vet tells usthe real story about the men Kerry spoke of. via Bad Example

I have been IMing a bit with a 28yr old black man from Harlem who sponsers a hip hop site and is involved in 'rap the vote.' He tells me that the people he knows see no difference in Kerry and Bush. To them they are both from well to do families, both attended ivy league, both in the same fraternity. I told him that I understood his perspective, but found it amusing that I, on the other hand, see Kerry and Bush as different as night and day.

But it did give me the feeling that the black community may not feel the need to get out and vote for either candidate since they see no difference in them. And that could only hurt Kerry. But I want more than that. I want the black community to see that voting Reublican means that it's not about reaching down and helping you up, but about reaching over and seeing things eye to eye. Smaller government, lower taxes on indiviuals and business mean the same thing to black Americans as it does to white Americans. Building a culture of life, strengthening families, and protecting constitutional rights help us all to be a better people, a better society.

Don't be afraid to discuss these things with your black co-workers or friends. Every vote will count this election and it's time for a change in the way the black community votes.