Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Memo is a gift that just keeps on giving.

The Weekly Standard puts the characters surrounding the memogate story in a timeline worth noting.

Among many things the story asks why Barnes was willing to tell his story now after years of being silent. The answer is easy. The Killian memos "primed the pump"
This is the interepting quote to me from Barnes--"If the document the network were hunting for were found, the election is over."

It is obvious the glee these guys were containing over this whole story. From the DNC, to McAuliffe, to Bob Tuke, to Bob Smith, to Ben Barnes, to Bill Burkett, to Mary Mape, and to finally Dan Rather himself.
The story itself was swirling and growing to orgasmic proportions as they all were breathlessly awaiting the memos and the Dan Rather story to bring them to the climax that I am sure had them all practically passed out with a lit cigarette hanging from each mouth.
Did they really think that the "election would be over" if these documents would have been true? Have they really no clue to how little all this means to the American public?
I can only imagine how they feel now. Its like finding out your Latin lover is a gigolo. It was good while it lasted, but geeze, you feel all dirty now.
And in Dan Rather's case he has to keep seeing and hearing about who screwed him over and over on the news every day.
Which is what they call poetic justic. And you gotta love that throws cold water on the democrats scare tactic of implying that we will have to have a draft soon. Even Kerry was spewing this garbage. This from
"The war is not only not having a negative effect, but it is helping to reinforce the number of people who want to join," said Cmdr. John Kirby, a spokesman for the Navy's Bureau of Personnel.Even the Army National Guard, which has had 150,000 citizen soldiers mobilized for up to a year, has seen retention rates "going through the roof," said Guard spokesman Maj. Robert Howell.The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard all met or exceeded their year-end recruiting goals for fiscal year 2003, which ended Sept. 30. The figures continued to climb in the first half of fiscal year 2004, which was reached March 31.
The fear might have started back in January 2003 when Rep. Charles Rangle, D-NY and Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-SC, introduced a bill calling for the draft. Interstingly the only hints of draft reinstatement come from Democrats and the Democrats want to continue the scare tactic that President Bush is the threat for "draft reinstatement".
This is so ridiculous! No one in their right mind would suggest a draft, which does explain Rangle and Hollings doing so. But what about Former Kerry rival Howard Dean, now traveling the country to drum up support for Kerry and raise money for Democratic candidates, said last week at Brown University in Providence, R.I., "I think that George Bush is certainly going to have a draft if he goes into a second term, and any young person that doesn't want to go to Iraq might think twice about voting for him."
If that isn't a scare tactic of the hightest order? They really do scare people with things now that are not going to happen .


Scientists in Britain unveiled the world's funniest joke today at the end of the largest study of humor ever. via
And this is it. But since I have heard it before as Beaudreax and Thibideaux joke I will tell it that way. Anyone from the south knows these 2 guys. So here goes--
Beaudreax and Thibideaux are out hunting in the woods when Thibideaux collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. Beaudreax whips out his cellphone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, Beaudreaux drops the phone, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, Beaudreaux says: "OK, now what?"

*moment of silence for all the laughter* I tell that better in real life. I will be inserting Beaudreax and Thibideaus jokes from now on. I had forgotton how good they were.