Saturday, July 15, 2006

More on the the Saddam-Osama Connection.

We just keep finding more and more. The Captain has this:

"One of the documents released by the FMSO project contains the records of the Iraqi regime's early connections to Osama bin Laden, starting in 1994 and continuing at least through 1997. It comes in the middle of document ISGZ-2004-009247, a review of Iraqi Intelligence Service contacts in the region and summaries of the combined efforts that they produced.
The review of their work with Saddam comes in section 2, discussing "The Reform And Advice Committee":

2. The Reform and Advice Committee:

Headed by the Saudi Usamah Bin Ladin [UBL], who is a member of a
wealthy Saudi family with his roots going back to Hadhramut [TC: An area now
part of Yemen]. This family has a strong ties with the ruling family in Saudi.
He is one of the leaders of the Afghan-Arabs, who volunteered for jihad in
Afghanistan. After the expulsion of the Russians, he moved to live in Sudan in
1992 subsequent to the Islamists arrival to power in Sudan.

[A]s a result of his antagonistic positions against the ruling Saudi
family in opposition to the foreign presence in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi
authorities issued a decree to withdrawing his Saudi Citizenship. We approached
the committee by doing the following:

A. During the visit of the Sudanese Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sunusi to Iraq and
his meeting with Mr. `Uday Saddam Hussein, on December 13th 1994, with the
presence of the respectable, Mr. Director of the Intelligence Services, he [Dr.
Al-Sunusi] pointed out that the opposing Usamah Bin Ladin, residing in Sudan,
who expressed reservations and fear that he may be depicted by his enemies as an
agent for Iraq; is ready to meet with us in Sudan (The Honorable Presidency was
informed of the results of the meeting in our letter 782 on December 17th

B. An approval to meet with opposer Usama Bin Ladin by the Intelligence
Services was given by the Honorable Presidency in its letter 138, dated January
11th 1995 (attachment 6). He [UBL] was met by the previous general director of M
’I M 4 [QCC: possible the previous General Director of Intelligence] in Sudan,
with the presence of the Sudanese, Ibrahim Al-Sannusi, on February 19th 1995. A
discussion ensued with him about his organization, he [UBL] requested the
broadcasting of the speeches of Sheikh Sulayman Al-`Udah (who has an influence
within Saudi Arabia and outside, due to his religious and influential
personality), to designate a program for them through the radio broadcast
directed inside Iraq, and to perform joint operations against the foreign forces
in the land of Hijaz. (The Honorable Presidency was informed of the details of
the meeting in our letter 370 on March 4th 1995, attachment 7)

C. The approval was received from the Leader, Mr. President, may God keep
him, to designate a program for them {QCC: UBL and the Sheikh] through the
directed radio broadcast. We were left to develop the relationship and the
cooperation between the two sides to find out what other avenues of cooperation
and agreement would open up. The Sudanese were informed of the Honorable
Presidency’s approval of the above through the representative of the Respectable
Director of Intelligence Services our Ambassador in Khartoum.

D. Due to the recent situation in Sudan, and being accused of
supporting and embracing terrorism, an agreement with the opposer Saudi Usamah
Bin Laden was reached, to depart Sudan to another region; whereas, he left
Khartoum in July of 1996. The information indicates that he is currently in

The relationship with him is ongoing through the Sudanese side.
Currently, we are working to revitalize this relationship through a new channel
in light of his present location.
[emphasis mine -- CE]

This shows that the connections to the Saddam regime went much higher than previously thought. Uday himself made the arrangements with the Sudanese government in December 1994. Osama met directly with the General Director of the IIS. Even after he left the Sudan, the Sudanese continued to act as a conduit between Osama and Iraq, at the behest of Saddam Hussein -- and the IIS states that they were actively working to connect to Osama again after he landed in Afghanistan.

During this period of 1996, al-Qaeda bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. In 1998, Osama issued his fatwa against the US. The embassy attacks in Africa followed, and then the bombing of the USS Cole -- and finally, 9/11.

One has to wonder how successfully the IIS was in its project to "revitalize" their relationship."