Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Immigration March.

Michelle went to the immigration march in D.C. yesterday and has all kinds of pictures.

Here is what it was like in Houston.

"One counterprotester, a woman who asked to be identified only as Linda, joined the crowd at Allen's Landing with a sign that said laws must be enforced and that illegal immigration was a crime. There was little other evidence of opposition to the protesters."

Could this by my Linda??? Heh.

"While addressing the perceived conflict between blacks and Latinos, Toni McElroy, head of Texas ACORN, summoned cheers when she said: "You didn't cross the border, the border crossed you." (Say what??)

"We as black and brown have more in common than the oppressors would have us believe," said McElroy, who is black. When asked why more blacks were not at the protest, McElroy said: "We have to do a better job of educating our community to see the similarities we share. Traditionally, the Man has played one community against the other." (oppressors??? Who are these oppressors??? You mean the ones who give Hispanics free medical care? The ones who make sure the forms are printed in Spanish? The ones who give Hispanic's children a free education with breakfast and lunch included? I think "the Man" has been pretty dang generous)

I think we are letting the Democrats get away with painting Republicans with a broad brush here. We need to speak up. Those like me who feel that the guest worker program is the way to go and I also believe that most Hispanics DO NOT believe as this Ms. Elroy blathers about, and those who feel the opposite about the guest worker program. Those in the latter camp need to make it clear that this is about illegal, not legal immigrants. Because the Democrats are trying to confuse those who don't know better.