Monday, February 06, 2006

This is priceless!

Baldilocks has this:

Pajamas Media is covering the hearings on the legality of the NSA's Terrorist Surveillance Program. Be sure to check out the 'NSA Files.' meanwhile it appears that Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) has been introduced to us.

Durbin: What outfit are you with?

[Paul] Mirengoff [of Power Line]: Power Line and Pajamas Media.

Durbin: 'Jamas Media?

Mirengoff: No. Pajamas Media.

Durbin: Oh, Pajamas Media. I'm not familiar with that publication.

[More exchange about Mirengoff's question. Apparently Durbin didn't want to answer]

Durbin: I don't know who you are.

Mirengoff: Well, Dan Rather knows who we are.

[LAUGHTER from the crowd.](Thanks to Roger L. Simon)

UPDATE: Watch the video.