Sunday, March 20, 2005

It's time.

If you were watching Fox News last night you saw Geraldo interview Jessie's Grandmother and the statement made by her father. (Jessie is the little 9 year old taken and murdered recently by a convicted sex offender) This particular monster had been given 10 yrs, but had only served two.

At first I was uneasy seeing Geraldo interview a grieving relative. And I was made even more uneasy when they toured Jessie's bedroom. But then I got to thinking that maybe this is what we need to see in order to GET THESE FREAKS OFF THE STREET. What is wrong with us???? Why have we allowed this???

Geraldo interviewed a guy who oversees the agency that is responsible for keeping up with sex offender parolees. He just said frankly that there are way too many for his office to possibly keep up with all the time. What the hell are we doing to produce so many perverts in our society? We really need to consider this question seriously.

Knowing where sex offender's live is of public record. Each state has one. Here is mine. You click on the sex offender search site and you can click on mapping it. You type in your address and it shows a map of where the sex offenders live in your area. It also gives you a name and picture and the exact offense. You will be SHOCKED at how many live near you. Of course, like this monster, they move around and there isn't much law enforcement can do about it.

This grandmother drove her granddaughter 4 blocks down to catch the school bus everyday and picked up there everyday. She was cautious. This little girl was put to bed that night and then he got her somehow. How much more could a parent do to protect their own children?

It is time for us to lock up those who prey on our children FOR LIFE. No second chances.