Sunday, September 12, 2004

The forgery saga continues...

One wonders if CBS is scrambling to find 30 yr old paper and an old xerox machine.

Lets break this down, shall we?
1) 2 of the most respected documents experts in the country say they are pretty sure they are forged with what they see now.
2) The Globe says the document expert Dr. Bouffard is changing his mind about the documents from when he said he was 90% sure the documents were forgeries.
3) Then Dr. Bouffard says,,,,uuhh, no I'm not.
4) Then the "source" that Rather used, Gen. Hodges says that CBS lied to him about the documents telling him they were handwritten and then misquoted him. ( and oh was he ticked!)
5) Jerry Killian's wife and son say they believe the documents are forged, that Lt Col. Killian never used typewriters or kept personal files.
6) The military officer Gen.Staudt mentioned in the document as pressuring Hodges actually retired a year 1/2 earlier than the date on the document. (He has refused to speak to the press)
7) Miltiary personel are saying the acronym "OETR" on the document does not stand for "Officer Efficiency Training Report" and is not a report at all, but an office at the Air force Institute of Technology. The correct acronym would have been "OER" well known and often used report for, among other things, evaluating a promotion. The idea that an officer would get these two confused is absurd.
8) An officer in Bush's guard unit points out that the date mandated to take his physical is not correct. The date was always based on one's birthday.
9) Eugene Hussey, a certified forensic document examiner in Washington State, studied Jerry Killian's signature on the documents compared to Mr. Killian's actual signature, and concluded (in a limited opinion, meaning he would have to have the original documents to have a full opinion) that they are forged.

Yet Old Dan just wants us to trust him. Riiight. CBS says the documents are a first generation copy. Lets get real here and test the paper, shall we?
What is CBS waiting for? Wouldn't a test put all this to rest? Come on, are they afraid or what?

Ohhh, I forgot to mention the problems with the typography, but the leftys aren't gonna believe any of that anyway. Will they believe the above mentioned people perhaps, especially since Dr. Bouffard is a Kerry supporter and Gen. Hodges was a Howard Dean supporter ? .......nah

UPDATE: Have to include this because its the one thing I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere, and it seems important to me.

"If you compare the documents that CBS produced with the documents we know to be authentic, that did come from Bush's National Guard unit, none of those documents use proportionate spacing." via The Washington Post

So we are left wondering....Why didn't anyone else or even Killian himself use this proportionate spacing IBM machine to type ANY OTHER documents from that time period?

And to lighten the mood, this is hilarious.

Note to Dan Rather: I'm not a guy and I don't wear jamies unless I am sleeping. used to the "new media" oh annointed one.

UPDATE: Fox news reported this morning that Dan Rather called Gen. Hodges Fri. night after the story broke and Hodges said he went through the documents with Rather pointing out why he thought they were forgeries. Rather told him that the documents had been authenticated.

Lets get real here. CBS needs to give the documents to a objective 3rd party NOW. It is clear that the investigative team of CBS is either corrupt or have the investigative skills of the Scooby Do gang. Except the Scooby Do gang reveal the answer at the end.