Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sex Survey for Teens.

"A group called Students for Unity at Port Washington High School distributed this "heterosexual Questionaire" to several hundred students at the school to spur discussion about the "Day of Silence." Read more here.

Here are the questions. I took the liberty of answering them.

1) What do you think caused your heterosexuality? Boys.

2) When did you decide you were heterosexual? About the time I noticed the dreamy brown eyes of a 2nd grader sitting behind me in class. His name was Kevin.

3) Could it be that your heterosexuality is just a phase? Could be. I noticed I could not have cared less about it when I was exhausted taking care of babies.

4) To whom have you disclosed your heterosexuality? How did they react? I have told no one.

5) If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it? Well, I haven't slept with a baboon either but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't prefer it.

6) Is it likely that you have (sic) just haven't' met the right same gender partner yet? If you can find me a girl who looks exactly like Johnny Depp I might give it a go.

7) Why do you flaunt your lifestyle with wedding rings, photos at work and talk of your heterosexual escapades? Because it's so hot to talk about.

8) Your heterosexuality doesn't offend me as long as you don't try to come on to me, but why do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others to their orientation? Because most are skanks and man ho's.

9) Considering the battering abuse and divorce rate associated with heterosexual coupling, why would you want to enter into that kind of relationship? I wouldn't want to enter that kind. I'm more into the loving nurturing and having babies kind of relationship.

10) Why do you heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex? Don't you mean men?

Ok, obviously this is a propaganda survey made to make teens "think" about their sexuality. It has to be done at school because heaven knows the poor teens of today never hear about sex anywhere else.

How about this for a handout:

Matthew 7:12

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. That's it. No matter what sexual orientation, race, religion. It works every time.

via Fark