Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dang I missed it!

NRO has this:

VPOTUS ON CHENEY [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I just saw the first excerpt from the Cheney Hume interview on FNC. There will be more to the interview, of course, but what they've shown so far did what was, perhaps, the most important thing: He humanized the whole thing. It's not THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND AN ACCIDENT HE TRIED TO HIDE! It's a man, who happens to be vice president of the United States, who shot a friend in a bad, embarrassing accident. He tells Hume, taking public responsibility for the shooting: "I'm the one who pulled the trigger and shot my friend."

I did just see an excerpt and Cheney makes clear that it was his fault and not Mr. Whittington's.

Update: I'm watching the excerpt of why the friend who owned the ranch was the one who put out the story. Cheney said he thought that was a good idea since she was an eye witness. She could give the exact and correct details. She chose a reporter that she knew well. Given the reputations of reporters, I would certainly want to call one I trusted as well.

Makes sense to me.