Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm Back.

I had a wonderful time in Philly. Charmaine, La Shawn, Stacy, and The Captain were delightful to meet and hang around.

Regarding Justice Sunday, the speeches were pretty short and sweet. They were definitely directed toward preaching to the choir. I don't know if that is exactly what they wanted or not. I'll post a bit more on that tomorrow. I will post some pics tonight too.

Many more protestors showed up a bit later. I would guess about 200 (with torches! I wondered where the pitchforks were?). My leftie brit friend dave wanted to know why we didn't debate the protestors we spoke with. Well, we had "media badges" on, so we were acting like "reporters." Now, since we were "the media," I was amused how the protestors just assumed we agreed with them.

I did ask the young men who were against a "theocracy" (one had a t-shirt that said "Jesus, protect me from your followers") if they felt it was acceptable for a judge to have faith just as long as he didn't bring that ideology to the bench? They said yes that would be acceptable. So I asked them if there was a difference if a person with leftwing ideology brought that to the bench? They said there was no difference. They wanted "neutrality."

It's funny. When it comes to some basic things, those on the left and right actually agree on many things, or at least how we should get to the answer. We just talk past each other so much we never hear what the other is saying.