Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rosa Parks, R.I.P.

Rosa Parks died yesterday at the age of 92. Her arrest for not sitting in the back of the bus in 1955 caused a black boycott of the buses in Montgomery Alabama for 381 days.

As the article mentions, there have been theories that she was a plant of the N.A.A.C.P, since she was a part of that organization, but I say, "So what if she was?" The law was wrong and it needed someone willing to stand up to that law. Remember, the N.A.A.C.P. was not always the liberal leftwing democratic hack organization it is today. Back then it was a determined honest organization committed to civil rights for blacks.

This is what we have forgotten. Civil disobedience isn't about holding up profane signs about our President or showing up nude to protest. It isn't about violence or using crude language. It is about peacefully disobeying a law that you feel is morally wrong and be willing to go to jail for that belief.

Rosa Parks will always be remembered to me as someone who used her "celebrity" in a dignified manner and never tried to make it about herself, but about a greater cause.

She serves as an example of how all of us should approach those things that we feel are wrong. Let that be the lesson she leaves us.

And a great lesson it is indeed.