Sunday, September 04, 2005

Let's look at the facts.

Protein Wisdom has every link, the explanation of where, why, and who was suppose to do what in the post hurricane reaction. Read the whole thing. Go to all the links. It explains MUCH.

The pathetic thing is that we have to waste time proving that, although mistakes were certainly made, everything that could be done, was done as far as humanly possible. As Jeff points out in his comments: "I’m not interested in politicizing this; I’m interested in preventing those who’ve been trying to politicize this from succeeding in doing so.


It doesn't matter what the left throws to stick on the wall, Bush will ignore them as he rightly does, and he will continue on to do everything in his power to get the good people of New Orleans and the coast back on their feet.

Because that is the kind of man he is.