Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Steven Vincent RIP or maybe not.

Steven Vincent was a wonderful journalist who died recently in Iraq. If you don't know who he is, here is a good discription at Mudville.

But leave it to the left to try to smear him because he wrote in support of our soldiers. Here is what Juan Cole had to say about Steve Vincent's death:

"He was romantically involved with his Iraqi interpreter, who was shot 4 times. If her clan thought she was shaming them by appearing to be having an affair outside wedlock with an American male, they might well have decided to end it. In Mediterranean culture, a man’s honor tends to be wrought up with his ability to protect his womenfolk from seduction by strange men…. Vincent did not know anything serious about Middle Eastern culture and was aggressive about criticizing what he could see of it on the surface, and if he was behaving in the way the Telegraph article describes, he was acting in an extremely dangerous manner."

As Jeff Jarvis of Buzz Machine puts it:

"Well, how about his murderers didn’t know anything serious about civilized culture and they were behaving in a way that should bring your condemnation?"

Why is when someone like this dies in Iraq it is never the fault of the insanity of the terrorist in these people's mind???