Monday, August 15, 2005

Enough Already.

I have tried hard to give Cindy Sheehan latitude for all that she is saying because of the heartache she has experienced, but it is obvious now that she is being used by fringe groups to get the media to pay attention to leftwing talking points. I could take her barbs at Bush. I understood her reflecting her anger at her son for re-enlisting to Bush. But now she is spouting things about Israel and talking about not paying her taxes and even demeaning the people of Texas. Referring to a man living on the street where they are protesting who shot a gun in the air:

"Sheehan, 48, said she was not concerned with her own safety but has told others to be aware that "this could get physical, even though we are peaceful."
"I think we knew of the risks when we came down here," said Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif. "I'm surprised we haven't had more of that since we're in Bush country." via
My Way News

Parents in Texas have lost sons too. I heard a man on the radio this morning who drove to Crawford this past weekend to talk to Cindy. He had lost his son in Iraq in November. Even though she had told the press she would meet with the parents of fallen soldiers only, he said she would not meet with him. He seemed very nice. He told the radio host that he wanted to throw his arms around her and tell her he understood her pain. Although he believes that his son died fighting for a noble cause, he didn't want to argue that, he only wanted to comfort her.

So how can she criticize Bush for not meeting with her a second time when she won't even do what she said she would do and meet with the parents of other fallen soldiers who don't feel the way she does?

I think she made her point well. The truth is that to the general public she is now starting to look like a crackpot. Stopping now would at least give her the sympathy from the public she so clearly feels she needs, but continuing saying things that are ugly and untrue will only hurt her cause.

It's time to go home Cindy. Stop letting these people use you and your grief and fill your mouth with their talking points.