Wednesday, January 26, 2005

This Is The Time...

This is what I have decided after countless discussions with the left about this war. We are never going to agree. We are never going to change each other's mind. So let's go forward with what we have here. You may not like it, but Bush was re-elected. He is determined to bring democracy to the middle east no matter what reasons you may think he has.

The good news is we have freed the afghans from the Taliban and freed the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator and uncovered a UN scandal. We have killed untold number of terrorists and dismantled their network until all they have is suicide bombers and I'm thinking they will run out of those. We have not been attacked again on our own soil. The bad news is that we have paid a heavy price and it isn't over yet.

So to my liberal friends I say, what good is it to continue to argue why we went to war? It is done. You can believe Bush lied or didn't lie, but the above is true and you can't argue that. Nothing you and I say will change what is taking place in the middle east. Iraq will form it's own government. The middle east is changing and this distinct change has got to be for the better, because how could it have been worse? Tyranny and fear is just no way to live. But you and I would know nothing about that.
So you can continue to think the worst of this President just as we will continue to think the best.

For now I pray for all people in Iraq who seek freedom. I pray for people who are willing to risk their lives to vote. I pray for leaders who know that every day could easily be their last just because they chose to lead this fight for democracy over dictatorship. I pray for our soldiers and theirs who stand to protect and defend that right to vote. I pray for all those who have lost loved ones in this war. I pray that when all is said and done, their lives will not have been in vain. I pray that we have begun to stem the tide of evil that seeks to destroy us and all who disagree.

The time for blame is over. The time for hate is over. The time for wishing something different had been done is over.

We are here. And it is the time for prayer.