Thursday, September 23, 2004

A memo note and the Iraqi future.

CBS named Dick Thornburgh, U.S. attorney general in the Reagan administration and first Bush administration; and Louis D. Boccardi, who retired in 2003 as president and chief executive officer of the Associated Press as a 2 person review panel to investigate the process of the memo news story.

The Washington Times puts this forth:
"A major question for Mr. Thornburgh and Mr. Boccardi is why CBS went ahead with the broadcast after two of its hired experts expressed doubts about the memos' authenticity."
Why?? Why?? They don't need a review panel to answer that one. Because they wanted the story to be true so badly their journalist ethics went out the window.
It is interesting how CBS seems to be determined to lay all this on Mary Mapes. We all know a story like this doesn't go on the air without approval from the top running up the line.

A top Kerry aide, Mr. Wolfson, responding to RNC chairman's Mr. Gillespie questioning the timing of the memo with the DNC ad campaign's "fortunate son" theme, said- "Republican allegations of a 'vast left-wing conspiracy' designed to expose the truth about the president's military service are laughable. No conspiracy is necessary to make clear that the president used strings to get into the Guard, missed his required physical and failed to fulfill his duty."
Are these people just stupid? First, have they not figured out that people don't give a fig about what happened 30 yrs ago?? And 2nd, must they lie? Every credible person involved in this 'story' has said that no strings were pulled and there is no evidence that that occurred. (hello Mr. Wolfson, the "evidence" was forged, did you hear about that?) In fact, all evidence points to the fact that Bush fulfilled his duty. These over the top false generalizations of Bush's record are not going to fly. But hey, who am I to point out the idiocy of this campaign?

*****The Iraqi Prime Minister speaking to Congress (after a warm standing ovation..nice) he starts out by saying:
"Thank you for making our cause your cause, our struggle your struggle. First, we are succeeding." (big applause)
He went on to say the media coverage here is not accurate. That the vast majority of Iraqis support America. He went on to describe the horror in which they lived under Saddam.
He said: "My friends, today you are better off, we are better off, and the world is better off without Saddam Hussein"
...."Your decision to go to war in Iraq was not an easy one, but it was the right one." (big applause)
He goes on to assure that Iraqi elections will take place, fueled "by the Iraqi's people's desire for freedom." He says that no terrorist act will deter them.
One has to understand the courage of this man. He knows that he is the number one target for death in his country from the terrorists. His life hangs on a thread of liberty. Even understanding the odds that he could be murdered, he chooses to stand for freedom, to stand for democracy. There are few men like this. He deserves our backing. He deserves our finishing this job. He deserves our admiration.

A friend sent me this...not sure why......

Funny t-shirt of the day: "Its better to have loved and lost than to live with the psycho the rest of your life."