Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Walk A Mile In His Shoes.

You may have missed this bit of controversy regarding Barack Obama and his allowing a Grammy winning black gospel singer by the name of Donnie McClurkin to tour with him in South Carolina.

The problem is that McClurkin has written a book about his life and talked about his struggle with homosexual feelings and how he has overcome his homosexual leanings with prayer and faith. Some people on the left aren't happy with Obama about it.

You see, to the left, if you aren't 100% pro-gay, then you are a "gay basher" and a "anti-gay bigot." There is no grey area here. But most times in life, there is a lot of grey.

Donnie McClurkin was 8 yrs old when he witnesses his little 2 yr old brother get hit by a car as the toddler followed Donnie into the street to retrieve a ball. He hears his brother's last words.."Mommy."

This would be tragic enough for anyone, especially when his mother blames him for the accident and then became addicted to drugs, but that was only the beginning of Donnie's childhood of hell.

The night of the funeral Donnie was raped by his pedophile uncle and again by his uncle's son.

Now, if this doesn't rock the foundation of someone's sexuality, then I don't know what would.

Donnie grows up to find healing in God, music, and prayer. His story is one of the human struggle with horror, and then the cleansing hope of redemption.

Sometimes someone's view of sexuality or feelings of sexuality is defined by trauma and horror. How dare the left judge this man. Is it not possible, in their mind, that someone's sexuality can be twisted by such acts of adults on a child?? Maybe Donnie wasn't born gay. Maybe these rapes turned his feelings inside out. Maybe some people are born gay and maybe some choose it. We just don't know. But to condemn someone who questions their own sexuality after such an invasion of it, is shameful.

So spare me the smug self righteousness of The Church of the Left Wing.
You walk a mile in Donnie's shoes and then come back and condemn him. Most people would have given up the fight long ago. After such trauma, most would have turned to drugs or alcohol. But Donnie found peace in his church, music, and faith. A faith, I might remind you, that teaches that all sex outside of marriage is a sin and no amount of propaganda or desensitizing will ever change that.

This is our faith, a faith that saves us from ourselves.

You can disagree with Christian teaching. You can disagree with me and with Donnie, but don't you condemn a man who has walked through a darkness that most of us can't imagine. Don't condemn a man who found light in that darkness and chooses to sing, letting the power of the music sweep all that is painful away and letting the cool sweet waters of redemption flow through him.