Friday, September 03, 2004

Party is over. Time to get busy. But first...

The theatre in the round made me nervous, but it turned out great.

The protestors at the RNC last night should serve time, you don't scare people during high alert times. I would have said the same at the DNC.

When Bush smiles I just want to eat him up!!!

The speech was great, but I really loved the video montage narrated by Fred Thompson. It was simply beautiful.

Kerry coming out at midnight was just stupid. Heres some thoughts from others that I liked.

Kerry said " I have five words for Americans: This is your wake up call!!"
uhhh, thats 6 words.

The video footage of Bush throwing the first pitch at Yankee stadium in Oct 2001, and getting it over the plate while wearing a bullet proof vest, contrasts nicely with Kerry's nancy-boy throw at Fenway earlier this year.

Kerry said he would not have his committment to defend this country questioned by those who refused to serve. Hmmmm......First, I am PRETTY sure Zell Miller served, being a marine and all. And 2nd, isn't serving in the National Guard serving???

OK, NOW, lets get busy and make sure people VOTE! I don't care if you are in a state like Texas that you know is going to go for Bush, VOTE! We don't want to hear about that stupid popular vote argument again for 4 yrs.