Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hillary is in the fight of her life....

Despite my frustration with fellow conservatives over their continued anger at McCain, I am enjoying Hillary not getting the Democratic nomination handed to her.

Feb. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Barack Obama's campaign is forecasting that the Democratic presidential race will remain deadlocked after the primaries end, and the outcome may depend on a fight over whether delegations from Florida and Michigan are counted.
By the time the last primary is held June 7, Obama's advisers project he will have 1,806 delegates to 1,789 for New York Senator Hillary Clinton....


The forecast doesn't include Florida and Michigan, which were stripped of delegates by the Democratic National Committee for holding primaries ahead of the schedule set out by the party. Clinton, who won uncontested primaries in both states, is vowing a fight to have those delegates -- slated to be 366 in total -- seated at the nominating convention.

Another issue is the so-called super delegates, 796 Democratic officials and officeholders who aren't bound by the results of primaries and caucuses. Obama's campaign projects about half will be pledged to either the Illinois senator or Clinton, and the rest could swing the nomination.

I wonder how Hillary can get the Michigan and Florida delegates counted? Anyone know?

What are Super Delegates?

Super delegates are party leaders, members of Congress and other VIPs who get an automatic vote on the convention floor — one that they alone decide. For the first time since the Democrats set up the system, super delegates could hold the balance of power.

And if you don't think they are sitting in the catbird seat, get this: (emphasis mine)

Consider Colorado Democratic Party Chairwoman Pat Waak. Chelsea Clinton called her cell phone and her home, wanting to talk about her mom. Bill Clinton personally asked her to support his wife.

Oh, this is going to be good.