Monday, November 10, 2008

Winning the War of Words

From The Center For Immigration Studies:

Illegal-alien and open-borders advocates may succeed in getting the Arizona Supreme Court to ban numerous immigration-related phrases, including “illegal alien” and “open-borders advocates.”

In a significant blow to the First Amendment and the use of legally-correct terminology, Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor has advanced the demands of the Arizona Hispanic Bar Association by moving to ban the following language from all of the state’s courtrooms:

Illegal aliens
Resident or non-resident aliens
Illegal immigrants
Illegal immigration
Illegals Immigration epidemic
Immigration crisis
Immigrant invasion
Pro-illegal immigration activists
Open borders advocates
Anchor babies
Proponents for amnesty

Many of these terms have a precedent in the law that reaches back to the origins of this country. The first five terms are used repeatedly throughout federal immigration statutes and case law. In place of these words, the Hispanic Bar Association demands the use of legally-enigmatic terms such as “unauthorized workers.” Of course, use of inaccurate and activist-created terms only creates confusion and legal uncertainty.

The language war is nothing new. Open-border, pro-illegal immigration activists have invested way too much time coming up with euphemisms for illegal alien amnesty. These proponents for amnesty believe that they will be successful in tricking the American public into supporting mass legalization if only they can find the right wording.
Despite the public’s continued overwhelming opposition to amnesty, the immigration language police have been successful in one realm: the media. In its letter to Justice McGregor, the Arizona Hispanic Bar noted the work of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. For at least the past decade this journalism group has sent
memos to news publications across the country, demanding that they refrain from using the term “illegal alien” and other legally-accurate terminology. Anyone who follows the news knows that many journalists on the immigration beat regularly supplant legally-correct terminology with activist-created language.

Although, as many of you know, I disagree with my conservative brethren on the illegal Alien issue (if I can still say that), I was in agreement with Bush on his temporary worker program.

But this has nothing to do with that. Banning words and descriptions??? Good grief. It's unbelievable. Even worse is journalists bowing to this kind of censorship.

via NRO