Thursday, September 08, 2005

Americans know It isn't about race.

I just saw a quick clip on TV of Howard Dean saying that what happened in New Orleans had everything to do with race and class. I have been looking for the quote, but I can't find it. Update: I found the quote here.

“We must ... come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not,”

Considering that the vast majority of those who "survived" were black and poor, I think that Dean may be losing what is left of his mind.

Last night Bill O'Reilly had a black columnist from a black national newspaper on and she stated that the policies of Bush prove he is racist. Bill ask her for one example of this and she came up with nothing. She just started in on the hurricane.

If this is going to be a talking point on the Democrat side, take some advice from me. It will backfire on you. You are not going to convince America that Bush doesn't care about black people (as Kanye West tells us) when he is doing more to help the victims of hurricane Katrina (who are mostly black) than anyone could. Let's look at what he has done.

Victims were set up in shelters across the country with beds, food, drinks, and medical care. Everything from phones, job fairs, help with forms to fill out for unemployment, WIC, ect.. were given. Schools were opened for the children, school supplies given, and now $2000 check cards for everyone to get started. And this list is just a partial list. Bush signed off 10 billion just to begin helping.

Does this sound like a man who doesn't like black people? (we won't even go into his appointment for cabinet-level positions)

Americans are not stupid. Howard Dean can spin this any way he wishes, but people can clearly see on their TV's that Bush is doing EVERYTHING possible to help these people. And you know he isn't doing it because he figures they voted for him. We all know that 90% didn't. So this isn't about votes, it's about caring.

Despite the onslaught of criticism on Bush for the last week from the msm, a recent CNN/Gallup Poll shows that only 13% thought the Katrina aftermath was Bush's fault.

Democrats will do well not to tow this line. Dean is wrong. And you all know it. Race had NOTHING to do with this tragedy.

The American people know this.