Thursday, July 14, 2005


The Center for Science in the Public Interest is demanding warning labels on the sides of soda cans. CSPI wants the FDA to warn us that drinking soda causes obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, and osteoperosis.

Other demands are:

Warning labels embedded in Oreos to warn us that the little chocolate devils cause fat and mouth watering pleasure.

Warning labels on beds to warn us that sleeping too much can cause laziness AND that laying down on one with your loved one may cause babies.

Warning labels on bathtubs to warn us that taking hot baths may cause us to miss phone calls.

Warning labels on phones to warn us that in talking too much on one may cause us to gossip.

Warning labels on movie stars such as Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt to warn us that watching their movies may cause us to lust.

Warning labels on computers to warn us that blogging may cause one to neglect the laundry.