Wednesday, July 13, 2005

If It Quacks Like A Terrorist.....

The Guardian has this in one of it's stories on the terrorist bombings in London:

"Early reports of the blasts on the BBC's website mentioned possible terrorist involvement but the stories were later changed to describe the perpetrators as "bombers" rather than "terrorists".

Although a spokesman said the word "terrorist" was not banned from the BBC, its language guidelines state that "careless use of words which carry emotional or value judgments" should be avoided and that "the word 'terrorist' itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding" and should be "avoided"."

Is this just an insane example of political correctness or a deliberate effort to avoid adding support to the war on terror? And who the hell thinks we should try "an aid to understanding?" Oh, we understand alright. We understand that these are fanatics determined to kill innocents. They use terror as their main weapon. That is why we call them TERRORISTS!!! Yeah, this is a value judgment. Call them what they ARE.

The idiots at the BBC should even understand that.