Monday, June 06, 2005

The Therapist strikes again.

Sometimes making fun can make a good point. The Therapist does both with this.

"I was on my way to Owen's Pharmacy to pick up medication for my acid reflux, " she said. "When the man on the radio said that a Quran may have been subjected to deliberate and will binding overflex. I looked at my own self, and said life is so short."Campbell said she went home and hugged her own books, "not taking any of them for granted."24 year-old Josh Lupine noted similar reactions on his part."I remember studying about the German death camps in school by watching Schindler's List," he said. "It took days for me to get the implied images out of my mind. Then the other day, our coach pulls us aside in the middle of a varsity game and told us about Quran's having bookmarks removed from select 'kill the infidel' passages. I literally felt the cold winds of the Third Reich blowing through that game."
