Saturday, January 01, 2005


Here is my personal year in review:

1) Once again I managed not to kill my teenagers, a feat I am proud of every year.

2) Managed to go to the beach twice. My favorite place in the entire world. Any beach, anytime.

3) Sent my 17 yr son off with his Aunt and Uncle for mountain climbing and kayaking in Seattle and didn't worry for one minute. A major accomplishment for a worryaohlic like myself.

4) Going on 12 yrs of watching little league baseball, I still get excited watching my little guys play. It doesn't hurt that my 3rd son is as talented as they get and won the MVP award. *bragging moment*

5) I finally got the car I have always wanted. Not going to say what it is because I already bragged once.

6) I got around to visiting the entire family across the south and lived to tell about it.

7) Managed not to get into such a rage over the election process mainly because I didn't watch the mainstream news.

8) Managed not to paint a room in the house or buy or rearrange furniture. I am addicted to decorating, so that was an accomplishment as well.

9) I started a blog (as you can see) and learned how to delve into the template myself. In the process have gotten to know some wonderful people online and LOVE to read the blogs.

10) Got less done around the house than anytime before because of said blog and blog reading. Now I hear my one of my kids say "Where is mom?" and another answer, "She is in blogworld."

Well there it is, not too exciting, but it's all I got.

Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed new year! Here's to 2005!!!!!