Friday, December 03, 2004

I guess the President listened to me and picked Bernard Kerik for Homeland Security. I also strongly recommended Condi for the Sec. of State thing as well. What? You don't think he reads this blog? I just got a Christmas Card from him and Laura yesterday..... so there. (I really don't think they send out many of those...;-)

Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities has this on Barbara Boxer's novel "Lucky Bitch." Someone please tell me that is a joke or something because one could seriously be misled into thinking it was a autobiography.

Jeff also has this from Erotrash:

"Every morning I walk along the streets of New York & there are all these women who tie their scarves just so. In exactly the same way. Round the neck once & tucked into the coat. Like they're Jennifer Aniston. Like that's someone you'd actually want to be. They're buffed, toned, entirely hairless, manicured, pedicured, facialed, plucked, waxed, moisturised, walking talking perfectly made-up shiny-haired automatons from hell."

Everytime I go to NY and see these women I feel the same way. They are all Katie Couric/Kathie Lee Gifford clones. I use to listen to Kathie Lee go on and on about her kids on her morning show. Let me tell you, being a former actress, I know what it takes to look that perfect. A HECK of a lot of time. From hair to nails to waxing to facials. Do all that and do your job and you don't have jack time for kids, I can tell you that. Not to mention the constant self promotion that eats up their days. Not to be harsh, but come on. Any one of us who have had little ones knows that taking care of them is wonderful, but also alot of work. How many moms out there reading this can tell me how many times when you were taking care of your little ones you looked at the clock and it was 1:30pm and you realized you hadn't taken a shower or brushed your teeth??? Forget facials and manicures, if I got through the day showered, supper cooked, and with the kids still alive, I called it victory!

When Eurotrash wondered where he could live where things were different, this one commenter struck me as a true optimist.

16: Face it, everywhere's sh*t. It's either beautiful countryside full of ignorant superstitious peasants, brain-sucked suburbs with parents on Valium and kids bored enough to smoke glue, or miserable cities full of needles, sarcasm and tw*ts. There is no "where", this is all you get.
Posted by
fridgemagnet at 1:08 pm on 12.01.04

Wouldn't you love to work with this guy? I'm thinking he is a boatload of fun!
I kinda resent the brain-sucked comment, but the Valium is not a bad idea....;-)