Sunday, November 28, 2004

MSM, where is this story?

Ok, I promise not to quote from 2slick's blog every single day, but he received an e-mail from Army officer serving in Task Force 2-7 CAV. His unit went into Fallujah on Nov. 8th and in the e-mail he describes it. It is a fascinating discription of the battle. But I found these points interesting:

"They (the Marines) also found unbelievable amounts of drugs, mostly heroin, speed, and cocaine. It turns out, the enemy drugged themselves up to give them the "courage" and stupidity to stay and fight.The enemy tried to fight us in "the city of mosques" as dirty as they could. They fired from the steeples of the mosques and the mosques themselves. They faked being hurt and then threw grenades at soldiers when they approached to give medical treatment. They waived surrender flags, only to shoot at our forces 20 seconds later when they approached to accept their surrender."

So..... drugged up idiots would throw grenades at our guys even as the Marines were attempting to give medical care to them. And yet again we hear about "faking." I swear if that Marine that NBC's Kevin Sites exploited gets into ANY trouble over what he did, it will be wrong and unjust.

" Soldiers took fire from heavy machine guns (.50 cal) and came across the dead bodies of fighters from Chechnya, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Afghanistan, and so, this was not just a city of pissed off Iraqis, mad at the Coalition for forcing Saddam out of power. It was a city full of people from all over the Middle East whose sole mission in life was to kill Americans. Problem for them is that they were in the wrong city in November 2004."

In other words, we killed thousands of these monsters from all over the middle east and he says we have 900 in custody who seem pretty willing to talk. Weren't we always asked "Why go into Iraq? They didn't attack us on 9-11." What Bush understood was that no country attacked us on 9-11. Hate and bigotry attacked us and it had no country. Our boys just killed thousands of those hate filled fanatics who had the weapons, the plans, and certainly the inspiration to kill us. Now we have some singing as well.

Do you think it is possible for the critics of this war to now see that we needed to do this? That those fanatics will never hurt or kill Americans now? That we will uncover plans and bring down what is left of these enemies of ours? Is it possible? Perhaps it could be if what this soldier wrote about is told. If Americans can see the whole picture and get a clear understanding of all that we have accomplished here.

The Army officer also says:

"It was amazing to see how the American military had brought the world's most evil city to its knees."

I want to see that too. Don't you?

God, I hope we do.