Thursday, July 06, 2006


The White House has this:

Today, President Bush Visited A Dunkin' Donuts Store To Highlight The Basic Pilot Program And The Need For Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Dunkin' Brands Inc. recently announced it will require all of its franchise's to participate in the Basic Pilot program, which helps employers verify employment eligibility. Dunkin' Brands voluntarily signed up for the program because of the difficulty employers face when trying to screen the work eligibility of new hires.

The Basic Pilot Program Is Helping Businesses Comply With The Law. Basic Pilot is a voluntary, online verification system that allows employers to confirm the eligibility of new hires by checking the personal information they provide against Federal databases.

Here are the objectives of the White House on immigration reform:

The five objectives of comprehensive immigration reform are securing our borders, creating a temporary worker program, making it easier for employers to verify employment eligibility and continuing to hold them to account for the legal status of workers they hire, dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are already here, and honoring the great American tradition of the melting pot.

No matter how much conservatives howl and complain on this one, Bush is right. Attacking the problem, not the Mexican people, is the way to go. I just returned from Mexico and once again I was so deeply impressed with their work ethic. Harder working people you will not find anywhere. I don't know about the beaucratic nightmare it takes to come here legally, but there should be a way to make it easier for Mexicans who just want work.

The objectives laid out by Bush help enforce the laws already on the books and he is starting to look at real solutions to the actual border problem. Many conservatives seem to believe we can just kick these people out. All 12 million of them. That is an impossibility and we just have to accept that. We need to deal with what we have now in a kind and reasonable way. The guest worker program might drive you crazy because they came here illegally, but it is the best solution given the circumstances. We will know who is here and they will be here legally then. This will not work, obviously, if we cannot get control of our borders at the same time though. So as much attention should be given to that.

If you read the White House site you will see the things that Bush has done that hasn't been reported on much, such as a criminal crackdown on those who knowingly hire illegal aliens, a tamper proof identification card, and a increase of 41.7 million for worksite enforcement.

Disagree all you wish with Bush on this, but it won't get our party where we need to be, back in the White House in '08 and still the majority. Turning our backs on people who desperately need work and, frankly, whose work we need, is not what I want from my party.

Bush is right on this and we should all be doing what we can to help him, not hinder him.