Saturday, October 08, 2005

What Is Worth Fighting For?

This picture is of victims of the terrorist bombing in Madrid Spain. Remember these were not soldiers. They were not at war. In fact, they were not even for war. But this did not matter to those without a conscience. Keep this picture in mind as you read the rest of my post.

I find it ironic that in the previous thread, one making the case against war, makes mention that those against abortion shouldn't have one. Defending, I suppose, her right to one. The monsters we are fighting would like to take away your right to drive, to wear perfume, to listen to music. You wouldn't have to worry about abortion. If you were intimate before marriage, you would be hanged or worse. They want you to wear a burka over your LIFE. And yet you don't see fighting this war as worth it. I suppose you think that fanatical way would never happen here. I suppose you don't care about the women who have lived this way for far too long.

Well, who would have imagined the Nazis? Who would imagined that a belief that furthering the human race would include gassing Jews and the disabled and that it would be accepted and practiced?

Those in Germany ignored a threat as well. They ignored a fanatical belief and pretended it wasn't there. We ignored this threat for too long until it came and slapped us in the face. Can none of you see how important it is to defeat it? Can none of you see the danger of a belief the leads those who follow it to see our death and their own as a delight to their God????

If we do not change things now, do you think that they would go away? Do you not think they would have made their way to our shores again????

You can argue all you want about why we went to war, the reasons, the WMD's, and why Iraq ect.., but the FACT is we are and have been killing the terrorists every day. We have thwarted 3 more attacks inside the United States. 10 more outside the U.S. Attacks that would have looked a lot like that picture. DO WE UNDERSTAND THIS? We have killed most of the leaders and now the terrorists have resorted to drugging the suicide bombers and using mentally disabled teenagers to kill themselves for bomb attacks.

The rotting flesh of Al Qaida will turn to dust. The little boys that would have been terrorists will not be. Women who were abused will have full lives. There may not be the same democracy of the West, but there will be freedom.

And make no mistake about it, freedom does NOT breed suicide bombers.

We are winning this war. We have paid a heavy price, but not nearly as heavy a price that has been paid in past wars. The men and women who have died for this war on terror have died for a noble cause, no matter what Cindy Sheehan says. We will never know what our soldiers and marines have saved us from . We will never know the carnage and evil we were spared. We will never count the body bags of our children. We will never know because of their willing sacrifice.

They gave up so much, but they saved us from so much.

History will look back at this time, I believe, as the 2 paths that diverged in the world. A place where man either took the road to self expression and freedom, or took the road to a growing belief in jihad.

In our fight, we never demand or ask of conversion. We only open the door to a willing choice.

That is the difference. And that is why we fight. And that is why it is right.