Thursday, September 15, 2005


One of my Cotillion buddies, Ilyka Damen, is fighting mad! She is quitting her blog and coming back as a man. Not a sex change, mind you, but a internet cyber sex change. (that doesn't sound right, but oh well) She is going to start her blog as a guy so she can get the respect she deserves.

She first wrote about this here. It seems big boy bloggers like John Hawkins of RightWingNews couldn't think of too many conservative women bloggers. And even bigger boy bloggers, Instapundit and Hugh Hewitt don't link us too much. Ilyka is really ticked at one of my favorite bloggers, Jeff at Protein Wisdom, but I don't know exactly why because his site is down right now and her links to him aren't working.

I see her point, but I have never let anyone's bias bother me. When I first started blogging I ask a few of the blogs I really liked to read to link me. Protein Wisdom, Ace, The Jawa Report, The Politburo Diktat, and Mudville. They all did. Which was nice because I had hardly started blogging. After that I didn't do much of anything to gain traffic. I didn't even have a sitemeter until about a month ago. I don't even know how to do tags.

My Dad once told me that cream rises to the top, so I figured if I was a good enough blogger then people would eventually come to read me. I don't like to say how many hits I get. It seems like a hell of alot to me, but I don't keep up with the traffic at other blogs. I'm no Michelle Malkin, but then I'm not trying to be. I LOVE it that so many people read me. I like the debates in the threads and I generally like the people who come to my blog and comment.

The fact is that sexism exists just as racism does and nothing is ever going to make it go away completely. If sexism keeps some boy bloggers from linking me, then so be it.

I just don't care.

I have this little space in my universe to say what I want to say. No one edits me and no one can fire me. It's my space and I like it. If the big boys don't link me, it's their loss.

BUT, all that being said. I think in order to prove Ilyka wrong and prove to the world that the big boy bloggers (and little boy bloggers too!) aren't sexist, they need to link me NOW and many many times from now on. So if you're a guy I think it is your responsibility to e-mail all the bloggers you know and tell them to link Rightwingsparkle (and blogroll!) to prove they are not sexist in cyberspace.

It's the only socially responsible thing to do. :-)