Saturday, August 13, 2005

Ponderings on 2008.

One thing I am looking forward to is the catfight between Hillary and John Kerry over the Democratic nomination. Theresa's offerings on the subject of Hillary alone will be worth it all to watch. Hillary will get the nomination, no doubt. She hasn't come this far to let some moderate wussie beat her out of the chance to become the first woman president. She wants this so bad she can taste it.

On the Republican side. Newt Gingrich is getting all primed to go. He is wasting his time. Any Republican like me vetos Newt and here are a few more vetos:

Rudy Giuliani
Bill Frist
Rick Santorum

Either they are wrong on the issues or they can't win. Anyone who beats Hillary has to have star power. And there is only one guy and one girl who can do it. McCain or Rice. A McCain/Rice ticket might just be unbeatable.

Now, I know that tons of Republicans HATE McCain for being a tad too compromising and his finance reform stuff just drives them insane, BUT sometime we just have to steel ourselves and put the person out there who can actually beat Hillary. And he is the only one I can see doing it. I can see Condi beating Hillary as well, but let's have 8 yrs of McCain/Rice and then settle in for another eight with Rice. Imagine!! 24 straight years of Republican bliss! Why, we might could actually get some things done! And having the first woman President and the first black President in our history being Republican is just too SWEET.

Just Ponder it.