Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Calling all eco-lovers! Finally a reason for the left to love Bush.
According to U.S. News and World Report:

"The vast Mesopotamian marshes of southern Iraq supported a lush ecosystem and unique culture for over 5,000 years. Then came Saddam Hussein; he drained 90 percent of the wetlands to punish the local Marsh Arabs. But there's still hope for the reputed site of the Garden of Eden, says an international team of scientists. They ntoed serious dips in native fish and bird species, but thanks to wet weather and unofficial dambusting brigades, water levels have begun to rise.
*With some near-pristine areas remaining and water quality higher than expected, says study leader Curtis Richardson of Duke University, "the potential for the marshes to be restored is much higher" than previously thought."

By getting rid of Saddam, Bush not only ends tyranny, torture and oppression for Saddam's people, uncovers a UN billion dollar food for oil scandal, and spreads democracy in the middle east, BUT ALSO ends up saving the garden of eden, or at the very least a beautiful 5000 year old ecosystem.

Kos and the democrats will give him some credit for that one, right?