Thursday, November 11, 2004

UPDATE: I just noticed that my link of the dem's map that I linked below is no longer there. I even went to the Rolling Stone site and clicked on their link to it and it is gone. Could it be that they realized it really did look like a deep sea fish....or that it had no credibility?...hmmmm.....
For those who missed it, it was like your 1st grader's drawing of the U.S. but with a drawing with alot of gas and more blue than was obviously true. heh.

I personally am sick of seeing the red/blue map everywhere, but I stumbled across this one that the dems are using to blue up the map a bit:

Rolling Stone:
" Tim Dickinson thinks this is the best red/blue/purple
map he's been emailed all week. (It's a county-by-county cartogram -- skewed by population rather than acreage -- of the country and its Bush/Kerry split.)"

So click on
the map, which I really feel they must have mixed up with a drawing of a deep water fish.

This from
Air America...seriously....I'm not kidding:

Naomi Klein is urging P Diddy and his celebrity friends to go to Fallujah: “But first they are going to need to flip the slogan from "Vote or Die!" to "Die, Then Vote!" Because that is what is happening there.”

But dying first and then voting is commonplace among democrats, isn't it?

If you want to leave the country now and Robert Redford won't let you tag along,
Harpers has a comprehensive look at how to do it. It's harder to leave freedom than you might imagine.

Leftie from has it all figured out how we won:

"The history is this: For the past quarter century, the Right has spent billions of dollars to build a vertically integrated media apparatus – reaching from the powerhouse Fox News cable network through hard-line conservative newspapers and magazines to talk radio networks to book publishing to well-funded Internet operations and right-wing bloggers."

Rightwing bloggers are well-funded???? Where the hell is my check?

"Using this infrastructure, the conservatives can put any number of “themes” into play that will instantaneously reach tens of millions of Americans through a variety of outlets, whose messages then reinforce each other in the public’s mind."

Yeah, because the left never had that with all those left leaning newspapers and organizations like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, and most major dailies. And they never use "themes" like "tax cuts for the wealthy" and "turning back the clock on women's rights" and the all time favorite one..."homophobic."

"Beyond putting opposing politicians on the defensive, this Right-Wing Machine intimidates mainstream journalists and news executives who will bend over backwards and cater to the conservative side, do almost anything to avoid being tagged with the career-threatening tag of “liberal"

*Pause for hysterical laughter*

Is this a parallel universe they live in? The idea of Dan Rather or Peter Jennings catering to the conservative side is like saying Howard Stern really caters to the church goers.

Funny Bumper sticker of the day:

"If you were looking for a sign from God. This is it."