Police Call on Kerry to Stop Misrepresenting Their Support
Chuck Canterbury, the President of the nation’s largest police labor organization, called on John Kerry to stop making misleading statements regarding his support from the law enforcement community. Canterbury said. “The real majority of my fellow officers are standing behind President Bush, because he has been there for us.”
Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributer Charles Krauthammer responds to Kerry and Edward's lies about stem research and the shame of giving false hope for political gain:
"In my 25 years in Washington, I have never seen a more loathsome display of demagoguery. Hope is good. False hope is bad. Deliberately, for personal gain, raising false hope in the catastrophically afflicted is despicable."
Ouch again.
Krauthammer, a doctor by training with a more than passing interest in any kind of research on spinal cord injuries, being in a wheelchair himself. Krauthammer goes on to say:
"Edwards and Kerry constantly talk of a Bush "ban" on stem cell research. This is false. There is no ban.
30 yrs ago he lied about the criminal activity of war veterans and he continues to lie today.
On a lighter note, Rolling Stone magazine sent a undercover comedian to the Bush headquarters in Orlando. I expected it to be a slice and dice piece on Republicans and there are a few jabs and jokes but check this out:
" When I got there, I expected a teeming, ultramodern NORAD-style campaign headquarters, where I would have to work my way up a giant totem pole. But in fact what I found was -- nothing at all. For all intents and purposes, there was no campaign for George Bush in Orlando in early June. There was only one paid staffer, a central-Florida field director named Vienna Avelares, and a corner of a table at the local Orange County Republican Executive Committee. If the Republicans were building an electoral Death Star somewhere, it sure as hell wasn't in Florida.
The situation was completely disarming. Vienna, a gregarious Puerto Rican single mother who insisted on introducing herself as "Vienna -- like the sausage," seemed desperate. I had planned on doing a good job anyway, but after meeting her I had a genuine desire to help get things going."
Imagine that. Just get to know us. You will love us.
In a laughable article in Rolling Stone complaining of media bias against Kerry, we read the reason for all the late night shows and barbs at Bush was because Kerry had stated "I need humor."
Too bad, it's the only thing he can't buy. But what Kerry really needs is a conscience.
Funny Quote of the day:
"God is dead."--Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead."--God