Friday, September 24, 2004

Kerry, allies, and such.

Why is this so believable?

The real Saddam/Al Qaeda connection.

I'm sorry, but those are just too funny. But then....I am easily amused.

Ralph Peters at the New York Post sums yesterday nicely.
"Is there nothing Kerry won't say to win the election? Is there no position that he won't change? Doesn't he care anything for the sacrifices of our troops in Iraq?"

Kerry promises to reach out to more allies, yet he slams the very man who is the leader of Iraq. Who does he think he will have to deal with in Iraq if he becomes President? Kerry complained yesterday of "terrorists pouring into Iraq" yeah...Iraq.... NOT the U.S. That was the plan see? We take the war to THEM, that way they can't take the war to us.
Yet, Kerry has repeatedly argued that the war in Iraq has distracted attention from the pursuit of terrorists. Isn't it obvious that it is easier to pursue terrorists if they are "pouring" into the place WHERE OUR MILTARY IS???

Kerry insists that he can bring on board more allies. Well...Ralph Peters says it best:
"As for involving the French and Germans, the truth is they'd do more harm than good. They are the corrupt cynics who made billions from the U.N. Oil- For- Food program while the Iraqi people suffered. The French kiss up to every dictator who wink in their direction. The German military barely exists--its just an employment agency for uniformed bureacrats--and the French military sole competence lies in slaughtering unarmed black Africans."

So lets just get off the allies thing. The guys mentioned above are not worth getting any help from.

Quote of the day: "Doesnt' expecting the unexpected make the unexpected the expected?"