Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Beck Beating

I saw this live yesterday and it was simply delicious.

From Newsbusters:

Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck has already shown he's a rating success and is leaving a mark in cable news. However, he may have pulled one of his most successful performances yet.

Beck interviewed Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on his March 30 broadcast. But, the radio and TV host took the opportunity to tell Blumenthal what he thought of his investigation into the bonuses received by American International Group (AIG) executives - whose company received federal bailout money.

"Look, you know what you have done, know what you have done?" Beck said. "You have - you are an insult to George Washington, sir. George Washington made it very clear that we are a respecter of laws, not of men. For your own political gain, you have decided to go after these people at AIG because it is a popular thing."

***Oh, I almost forgot to mention that my Houston buddy Felicia Cravens who is heading up the Houston Tea Party on the 15th of April was also on Beck yesterday. She was the one who led the organization meeting I was a part of and blogged about the other day. She was awesome.