Friday, October 28, 2005

A Quick Look.

Fox News is reporting that Rove won't be indicted, but Libby Scooter might. But for lying to a grand jury. So it looks like no one will be indicted for "outing" a "covert agent."

I suppose the Kos/Dem talking point and stupid phrase "Merry Fitzmas" will have to be put away until they can come up with other juvenile phrases to use.

Harry Reid blames the far right for the withdrawal of Miers as does the blather coming from the rest of the left. HELLLOOOO!!! All of us on the "far right" here thought she was great. She satisfied me being pro-life for sure. It was the more moderate conservatives that opposed her. Especially the elites. Democrats just say things they WANT to be true. Dobson loved her, Kristol didn't. Do we see the difference here?

So hey Dems, let's drop that talking point too.