Sunday, August 28, 2005

Getting away from the Hurricane.

We left early early Sat. morning heading to Baton Rouge for a barbecue for parents of engineering students a LSU. It wasn't until after the barbecue that we even heard about the hurricane. LSU e-mailed out that it was canceling classes on Monday and depending on the storm, maybe a few more days. We had a great time Satuday night going out with friends and our LSU kids. This morning we decided that we would take our kids home and away from this storm. Especially since LSU was talking about evacuating the entire campus.

Heading out this morning, I-10 was bumper to bumper. A friend called and said it had taken her 5 hours to get from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, usually an hour's drive for her. Luckily, our friend, who was driving, knew all kinds of back ways and it took us about 7 hours to get home. I'm hearing that on I-10 that would have taken anywhere fro m 10 to 12 hours (usual drive time 41/2 to 5 hours)

Anyway, glad to be home with my boy. He is happy to see everyone again so soon and we will wait and see how long classes will be out. It all depends on the damage and extent of this hurricane.