Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Men + Sex = Stupid

I am convinced without a doubt that sex renders intelligent men completely stupid. Clinton is the poster child for this and now it looks like Bill Cosby could be following in his footsteps.

On Fox News this morning they are reporting that the young woman who is filing charges against Cosby for "drugging" her and then sexually molesting her, has taped phone conversations they had after the encounter. The news said that Cosby is saying that they did have sex, but that it was consensual.

When I say stupid, I am not just referring to the fact that these men were role models and famous and cheated on their wives. That is immoral as much as is it is stupid. I don't think anyone would argue with the fact that these men are intelligent. So how does one explain how someone who is famous, and every move is reported upon, cannot seem to control themselves even with the risk of total humiliation? But even more incredible is having PHONE CONVERSATIONS about anything intimate. Even Bill O'Reilly fell for that one. Had these men never heard of a taped phone conversation????? Did Nixon teach us nothing?????? How stupid can one be??????? Clinton even left messages on Monica's answering machine!!!!

I will say in Cosby's defense, (not that I wish to defend him) that what he has been preaching lately has never been about adult sexual moral behavior. He was preaching about parental responsibility, kids not dressing like a thug, and kids getting an education. He did say that 15 yr olds having babies is wrong, and we all know he is right about that. So, his preaching is really more about common sense and teaching kids to get to adulthood with an education and no children out of wedlock. Cosby has never claimed to be a Christian or religious in any way that I know of, so I don't think it is fair to paint him as being a hypocrite. He obviously feels that adults can make their own decisions regarding morality, but feels the inner city black community are not doing their job in parenting.

He may be cheating, but his message still rings true. He has probably lost a lot of credibility here and that is too bad, because his message badly needed to be heard from a man that the black community respects.

Now, I am relying on "innocent until proven guilty" here. If he actually molested this woman then he is a scumbag, but if it was consensual, then he is a cheater and it is disappointing, but it is even more disappointing that this important message might disappear along with his respectability.