Saturday, October 09, 2004

And you thought violence in video games might be a bit much.

Do you know HOW Saddam talked the U.N. into the Food for Oil program? It seems he started complaining loudly that sanctions were starving the children of his land! "Do something!" He demanded. (macabre and ironic are the mass graves of children killed by his chemical weapons we discovered after Saddam's fall ) ANYWAY, Saddam showed footage of mass funerals and tiny coffins. Coffins filled with dead babies that his regime collected from morgues until they had enough for the creepy fake funerals. This brought enough sympathy for the Food for Oil program that got Saddam and previously mentioned heads of state and U.N. bigwigs rich. Show dead babies, get rich. What a guy! And just think, if Kerry had been president he would still be in power.
via NRO

ABC news political director, Mark Helprin is getting all kinds of grief for his memo before the debate saying that Gibson should go harder on Bush because it seems Mr. Helprin doesn't think they should "hold both sides equally accountable when the facts don't warrant that."
What facts are those Mr. Helprin? Your moonbat colored glasses view of things? Give me a freaking break. Does he not even see his own loss of objectivity? But the most telling part of the memo was this (emphasis mine)....."But as one of the few news organizations with the skill and strength to help voters evaluate what the candidates are saying to serve the public interest. Now is the time for all of us to step up and do that right."
See? Mr. Helprin knows that voters are unable to evaluate on their own, so they need him and ABC news to help us all understand. Heck, Mr. Helprin probably doesn't even think we can spell evaluate, much less do it.
Where, oh where would we be without Yodas like Mark Helprin to tell us how to think. via Drudge

Hey you! Yeah, you reading this blog...I have something I want to say to you. Go here. Click on red button. Its true. I promise.